
Houston, TX

For patients seeking a totally non-surgical option, Mesotherapy is absolutely ideal. Quick and relatively painless microinjections of highly specified medications are applied directly under the skin, replacing the need for bulky cannulas or probes.

The active compounds in Mesotherapy seemingly melt away embarrassing fat by stimulating the immune, circulatory, and lymphatic system to dissolve and then eliminate fat naturally. No need for any external suction devices with Mesotherapy – your body does all the work for you! And because Mesotherapy is a non-surgical procedure, there is no downtime or disruption to your busy schedule. Many patients have the procedure done on their lunch breaks and return to work right away.

For many women, one of the most exciting aspects of Mesotherapy is its ability to help fix cellulite. Even thin women suffer with the dimpled or “hail damaged” appearance caused by these embarrassing lumpy deposits of fat. Many experts agree that Mesotherapy is the treatment of choice for smoothing out the incredibly stubborn lumps and bumps.

If substantial weight loss is the goal, an alternate weight reduction program, like the hCG Diet, is more appropriate first.

Non-Surgical Fat Reduction with Mesotherapy

If you are looking for a completely non-surgical fat reduction solution, Mesotherapy is the ideal choice. This treatment uses quick, relatively painless microinjections of specialized medications applied just under the skin. Unlike invasive methods, Mesotherapy eliminates the need for bulky cannulas or probes.

How Mesotherapy Works for Fat Loss

The active compounds in Mesotherapy help target and melt away stubborn fat by stimulating your immune, circulatory, and lymphatic systems. Your body naturally dissolves and eliminates the fat, so there’s no need for external suction devices or invasive procedures. Since Mesotherapy is non-surgical, there is no downtime or disruption to your busy schedule. Many patients even have the treatment during their lunch break and return to work immediately.

Mesotherapy for Cellulite Reduction

One of the most exciting benefits of Mesotherapy is its ability to address cellulite reduction. Even thin individuals can suffer from cellulite, which creates a dimpled, “hail-damaged” appearance caused by stubborn fat deposits. Mesotherapy is widely regarded as a top treatment for cellulite, smoothing out these persistent lumps and bumps to give your skin a smoother, more even appearance.

Alternative Weight Loss Solutions

If substantial weight loss is your primary goal, an alternate weight loss program like the hCG Diet may be more appropriate to start with. Combining targeted treatments like Mesotherapy with healthy lifestyle changes can help you achieve your long-term body contouring goals.

Mesotherapy/ Lipodissolve Procedure The treatment does not require a local or general anesthetic, but some patients may opt for the application of a topical anesthetic cream prior to the procedure. Both Mesotherapy and Lipodissolve involve using a tiny needle to make many injection points just underneath the surface of the skin in the areas of concern. A very small amount of the medication is then injected into each of the needlepoints with a typical Mesotherapy or Lipodissolve treatment taking around 20 to 30 minutes to perform. Injections are recommended every two to three weeks with an average of six to ten treatments required, depending on the amount of fat and, in the case of Mesotherapy, the degree of cellulite or skin laxity. Gradual results can be seen within a few days of each treatment, once any swelling dissipates. Mesotherapy will not only reduce visible fat, but can also lessen the dimply appearance of cellulite.

Areas for Mesotherapy/ Lipodissolve Treatment The Mesotherapy and Lipodissolve treatments can be targeted for areas of hard and soft fat, including abdominal areas, love handles (flanks) upper and lower back areas, thighs, arms, knees, and the buttocks. Areas of cellulite on legs and thighs can be successfully treated with the Mesotherapy procedure, as well as excess fat on the neck and face. Most patients turn to Mesotherapy or Lipodissolve where targeted exercise and a healthy diet have failed to work to remove the stubborn areas of remaining cellulite or fat.

Mesotherapy/ Lipodissolve Recovery The procedures are minimally invasive and therefore have the advantage of a limited recovery time, with the patient noticing only a slight burning or redness in the area immediately following treatment. This usually subsides within a short period of time and can be alleviated with the use of over the counter pain pills and ice packs applied to the area in the first 24 hours. There may also be swelling and tenderness in the area, which will disappear within a few days. Patients can return to normal activities and work immediately following the treatment. At Lipo Body Sculpture of Houston, photos and measurements are taken before the treatments and following the treatment recovery period. On review four months after their series of treatments, some clients can lose eight to ten centimeters in treated areas such as the abdomen, with a significant contraction of the tissues and little residual skin. As with the Smart Laser Liposuction, VASER Lipo, or Smartlipo, regular exercise and a healthy diet are important to more effectively attain and maintain your desired body contour goals.

Mesotherapy/ Lipodissolve Risks Complications and side effects of Mesotherapy and Lipodissolve are minimal when compared with other cellulite reducing and fat sculpting treatments or non-laser liposuction. There may be a mild burning, itchy, or prickly sensation in the treatment area. As the fat is broken down, there may be localized warmth and redness, but this usually subsides by the next day. Bruising and swelling can also occur in the area, but most patients find that this is not excessive and does not last beyond the first week after treatment. When performed under a doctor’s supervision, both Mesotherapy and Lipodissolve have excellent records for minimal side effects and risks. A thorough consultation should take place prior to the treatment with Dr. Rodriguez, who will take into consideration factors such as medication you may already be taking, any previous allergy or skin problems, or any significant medical history. The treatments are not recommended for patients with major medical conditions such as HIV, hepatitis, heart disease or cancer.


While Mesotherapy and Lipodissolve are not substitutes for a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine, they can aid in combating stubborn areas of hard and soft fat and unsightly cellulite. Many patients not suitable for invasive procedures such as liposuction or liposculpture are ideal for these non-invasive procedures for reducing these localized areas of fat. The treatments can also be used to treat areas of concern such as gynecomastia (male breast enlargement), unevenness that can occur after lipoplasty and liposuction, and lipomas, which are benign growths of fat in a thin fibrous capsule. Fit men and women are also taking advantage of the Lipodissolve and Mesotherapy for abdominal etching, to get a more defined ‘six-pack’ and reduce the ‘love handles.’ If substantial weight loss is the goal, an alternate weight reduction program, like the hCG Diet, is more appropriate first.

Contact Us

Rodriguez Rejuvenation is located at
4126 Southwest Fwy Ste 1200
Houston, TX

(713) 523-2500

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