Hormone Craving Sweets?
This week’s Hormone Education post is about how your hormone imbalance may be affecting your eating habits. Ever wonder why you are constantly craving something
Houston, TX
ThermiVa is a unique temperature controlled radio frequency system, used for non-surgical dermatological application in aesthetics and other medical specialties. Physicians using ThermiVa are pleased to have an in-office procedure, and patients reporting excitement about a new treatment option for women who want results without surgery. ThermiVa was developed by Thermi, a women’s wellness company whose mission is to help women reclaim, restore, and revive.
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See What Many Satisfied Patients Have to Say About Thermiva
Excessive stretching of the vaginal muscles is a common occurrence after vaginal birth or due to aging. Damage can diminish sensation during sexual activity, reduce satisfaction and change the relationship between partners.
ThermiVa treatments use radiofrequency energy to gently heat tissue to reclaim, restore and revive feminine wellness, without discomfort or downtime.
ThermiVa uses a special wand applicator which may be applied externally to labia and vulvar tissues to restore normal tissue tone and function. The specially designed handpiece may also deliver radiofrequency energy inside the vagina to revive atrophic tissue and other structures.
This week’s Hormone Education post is about how your hormone imbalance may be affecting your eating habits. Ever wonder why you are constantly craving something
IV therapy can help you feel better and even improve your health. The intravenous way is the quickest, most efficient and often the most used way
Genetics and the dramatic hormonal changes of pregnancy can leave a woman with a localized collection of fat in the mid to lower abdomen that