Understanding Liposuction Revision (Procedure Insights)

Lip Revision Houston, TX

For many seeking to enhance their body image, liposuction offers a promising solution, aiming for quick and significant changes. Yet, the path is not always smooth. Some find themselves facing unexpected results, irregularities, asymmetry, or changes over time due to improper garment wearing, weight fluctuations, or aging.

This is where liposuction revision enters the narrative as a promise of refinement and restoration.

Liposuction revision (liposuction correction or liposhifting), is the art and science of fine-tuning the outcomes of a previous liposuction procedure, offering a ray of hope to those dissatisfied by their initial outcomes.

What is Liposuction Revision (Correction)?

Liposuction revision, also known as liposuction correction or liposhifting, is a specialized cosmetic surgery procedure designed to improve the outcomes of a previous liposuction.

Lipo correction involves precise adjustments, which may include removing or adding fat, to address issues such as asymmetry, indentations, or other contour irregularities that arose from the initial procedure. The goal is to enhance aesthetics and restore balance to the treated areas, most commonly the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

You had a botched liposuction – what should you know?

First of all, you’re not alone. In one survey, 20% of correspondents reported that they were not satisfied with their liposuction results, and 65% reported a fat return.(1) Other surveys show that, although happy with improvement, 52% felt that the results could have been better— more fat could have been removed, the contour was a little off, or unpredictable irregularities formed that still bothered them.

If your liposuction didn't turn out as you hoped, it's important to know that options for correction exist. A liposuction revision procedure is tailored to address the specific issues that arose from your initial surgery. Unlike the first procedure, revision often involves a combination of techniques, including additional fat removal, fat “melting” (emulsification) precise fat grafting, and possibly skin tightening to smooth out uneven areas and restore a more natural contour to your body.

Understanding that revision is a detailed and patient process is crucial. Healing from your original liposuction is a prerequisite for any corrective action. Typically, this means waiting up to a year to allow your body to recover fully and any scar tissue to soften. This patience is not just about safety, it's about ensuring the best possible foundation for a successful revision, setting the stage for more effective and satisfying results.

Every liposuction revision procedure is unique

The process is as unique as you are, tailored to address your specific concerns and anatomical nuances. Innovations like VASER liposuction are often employed, especially for treating fibrosis and fat trapped in the scar.

Undergoing a revision has its set of advantages, notably the correction of irregularities and the enhancement of your initial results, potentially boosting your self-esteem.

It's crucial to approach this with realistic expectations.

Not all issues can be completely corrected, and the process may involve risks similar to any surgical procedure, such as swelling, bruising, or infection.

Discussing these aspects thoroughly with your surgeon is crucial in setting realistic goals.


How to choose the correct post liposuction abdominal board?

Select an abdominal board that provides uniform pressure, is made of a soft yet firm material, and fits comfortably under your compression garment. The right board will support your abdomen, reduce swelling, and help skin reattach to the underlying tissues evenly.

Can a botched liposuction be corrected?

Yes, many, if not most, cases of botched liposuction can be significantly improved or corrected through revision liposuction surgery. The success of correction depends on the specific problems present, the patient's overall health, and the skill of the revision surgeon.

The best way to find out for sure is to contact Dr Raul Rodriguez and schedule a consultation.

What’s the best liposuction revision surgeon available?

Rodriguez Rejuvenation in Houston, TX specializes in addressing and correcting the outcomes of previous liposuction procedures. Our team, led by experienced professionals, is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with a compassionate and personalized approach.

Final Thoughts

Undergoing liposuction revision is a journey fraught with decisions, from choosing the right specialist to understanding the nuances of the procedure. At Rodriguez Rejuvenation, we are dedicated to guiding you through this journey, ensuring your path to correction is informed, comfortable, and ultimately fulfilling.

Schedule your consultation with us today and explore how we can help you achieve your desired appearance.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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Understanding Liposuction Revision (Procedure Insights)

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IV Nutrition Therapy: 5 Reasons Why You Will Love It!

When life gets crazy or when chronic pain gets the best of you, hydration and proper nutrition can fall by the wayside. But it's at these times when you need to practice healthy habits the most.

How can you get a quick and effective boost of the essential vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and other vital elements your body requires? IV Nutrition Therapy!

It's not just a hangover cure - it is the support you need when you can't do it all yourself. And it delivers everything your body requires directly into your bloodstream in less than an hour.

1. No More Wasting Time or Money on Oral Supplements

Typically, oral supplements are absorbed by the stomach or intestines before they make it to the bloodstream. This takes time, and it doesn't always work, especially if your gut has problems absorbing nutrients.

With IV Nutrition Therapy, supplemental nutrients are delivered directly into the blood via a vein. So, your bloodstream absorbs them more thoroughly instead of your stomach partially digesting and diluting them!

They are also fast-acting, so if you feel a cold coming on or need an energy boost, it's there for you instantly!

2. IV Drips Are Customized

IV drips can be customized to address your specific needs. No more taking things you don't need or having to split pills in half to get the correct dosage. An IV nutrition bag has everything you need in the right dosage, all in one place!

3. IV Nutrition Therapy Is Super Convenient

One dose delivers all of your supplements. No more keeping track of multiple pills and liquids— or trying to remember if you took your vitamins today.

4. Instant Hydration

A liquid salt solution carries the nutrients in the IV bag. The salt solution instantly hydrates your body AND boosts your electrolyte levels!

5. IV Nutrition Can Slow Aging

Adding antioxidants like Glutathione to your IV drip helps fight off free radicals, which cause wrinkles and other signs of aging!

Our IV Nutrition Therapy

Not all Vitamin IV Therapy Companies are the same. Do not put your health at risk by using anyone other than a reputable IV nutrition therapy provider.

Our team at Rodriguez Rejuvenation is committed to helping you find relief and wellness. We have a full menu of IV Nutrition Therapy treatments to treat a variety of conditions, including to:

Manage pain relief: A customized cocktail of Vit C, CoQ10, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Magnesium, B-Vitamins, Ketamine, and Vitamin D.

Decrease inflammation associated with chronic pain and fatigue: An Oxi-Blast of Vit C, Glutathione, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid.

Boost energy, mood, and focus: Vitamin B Injections.

Turn back the clock on aging: CJC Mix.

Combat chronic conditions like asthma, depression, fatigue: Myers Cocktail.

Help your body fight back and stay well: Immune Boost.

Help you recover from cold or flu symptoms and get back to your life in no time: Cold & Flu.

Support weight-loss efforts: OxiBlast.

Support for chronic pain, migraines, depression, and PTSD: Ketamine.

Contact Us Today!

When you come in for an appointment, our experienced staff members will listen to your story.

We will then customize our IV therapy options to fit your needs and enhance the results of your overall treatment program. Contact us for an appointment today!

Resources: Image attribution | Everydayhealth.com | Healthline.com | Todaysdietitian.com

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Hormone Replacement Therapy: Is it for Me?

Did you know that your body’s hormones control most of your essential bodily functions?  That they serve as an internal communication system between all of your cells?

That hormones coordinate everything from digestion and growth to your appetite, immune function, mood, and libido?  Can you imagine what would happen if they got out of their natural balance?

You've likely experienced some hormonal imbalance in your lifetime.  Nearly everyone, men and women, go through shifts in their hormones at some point in their lives.

Remember Puberty?

All those emotions swirling, moods swinging, feelings of anxiety, and maybe even depression? Puberty is a prime example of what happens when your hormones get out of whack. But for most of us, puberty was manageable, and eventually around hormones balanced back out.

But what happens when the symptoms of hormone imbalance are unmanageable and create debilitating conditions that make it hard to live a happy, or even just okay life? Then what?

If you are suffering the symptoms of hormonal imbalance— may be a woman struggling with menopause symptoms or man dealing with the effects from decreases in testosterone— you’ve likely tried a lot of things to help you feel better.

Maybe you’ve changed your diet, started a regular exercise plan, addressed bad sleep habits, or integrated stress-relief practices into your daily routine.  But these alone may not be giving you the relief you crave.

The best way to treat a hormone imbalance is by rebalancing the hormones. This is where hormone replacement therapies come in.

One such therapy that you may have heard of is bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).  But you may be a little confused about what it is and how’s it different from other hormone replacement therapies.

We’re here to help you get clarity on what BHRT is, how it differs from traditional hormone therapy, and whether it may be just the right treatment for you.

What Is BHRT?

We use BHRT to treat men and women when their hormone levels drop or become unbalanced. It’s most frequently used to ease symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

Many use it to improve symptoms of cancer treatment or to treat conditions such as:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Adrenal and thyroid disorders
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fibromyalgia

What Are Bio-Identical Hormones?

Bio-identical hormones are so named because they are identical in molecular structure to the hormones made by the human body.

It’s important to understand that although these bio-identical hormones act in the body just like the hormones that we produce, they are not found in this form in nature. They are made or synthesized, from a plant chemical extracted from yams and soy.

Hormones, most commonly replicated and used in the treatment are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Bio-identical hormones come in various treatment forms, including:

  • pills
  • patches
  • creams
  • gels
  • injections
  • pellets

How Are They Made?

Drug companies mass-produce bio-identical hormones, while a compounding pharmacy makes some according to a doctor’s orders.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve all bio-identical hormones. Some forms of manufactured bio-identical hormones, including bio-identical estriol (a weak form of estrogen) and progesterone, have been approved by the FDA but custom-compounded bio-identical hormones have not.

Although many claim that compounded bio-identical hormones may be safer and more effective than synthetic hormones, these claims haven’t been proven in reputable studies.

Traditional Hormones vs. Bio-Identical

Bio-identical hormones differ from those used in traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The hormones used in traditional HRT are made from the urine of pregnant horses and other synthetic hormones, whereas bio-identical hormones are chemically identical to those our bodies produce naturally and are made from plant estrogens.

The use of traditional hormone replacement therapies declined when the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) trial of combined estrogen and progestin (as Prempro) for preventing menopause was stopped early because hormone users had a higher risk of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, and blood clots.

Many consider hormone therapy the most effective treatment for symptoms, and many women are now choosing BHRT over HRT.

Why Is It Important for Hormones to Be Bio-identical?

A base of cholesterol makes up human hormones. They have specialized attachments that allow them to fit perfectly into receptor molecules in your body. When a hormone perfectly nestles into a receptor, it tells that receptor to turn on or off certain behaviors.

This is how hormones act as command stations making us act in specific ways and feel certain things.  When you experience drops in hormones and need additional hormone helpers, wouldn’t it make sense for them to be structurally the same as the ones you already have?  Hormones that will fit perfectly into your body’s receptor molecules and act on them as one of your hormones would?

Is BHRT a Commonly Used Treatment?

The compounded type of Bio-Identical hormones is most commonly used in the U.S. in women in menopause.

The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) reports that about 1.4 million women are using BHRT to treat their symptoms. According to NAMS, this comprises 40% of all prescriptions for hormone therapy in women who are in menopause. The number of men using this treatment has not been studied yet.

Are Any of the Following Symptoms Making Your Life Unmanageable?

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Pain during sex
  • Problems sleeping
  • Loss of energy
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Foggy thinking
  • Mood changes
  • Memory loss

If the answer is yes, then it may be time to talk with your doctor. Your doctor will meet with you, perform blood tests, and come up with a treatment plan for you.


Image attribution | Mayoclinic.org | Medlineplus.gov | Medicalnewstoday.com | Webmd.com | Cancer.gov

FDA Disclaimer. This information on this site is for education purposes only. These statements and testimonials are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The statements made regarding some or all products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Please consult a physician or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.


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What is Mesotherapy and How Does It Work?

mesotherapy Houston, TX

Mesotherapy is a technique of skin treatment that more and more people have become interested in because it isn’t traditional. However, over time, the technique has evolved. Being aware of what mesotherapy is and how it works can be helpful for someone who is considering their options for skin care therapy. In this article, we outline what exactly mesotherapy is and what it can do for someone who is wanting to restore, repair or rejuvenate their skin. Keep reading to find out more!


There are a few important things to know about mesotherapy before you begin.

What exactly is mesotherapy?

During this skincare therapy method, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and even plant extracts are injected into the skin. The goal of mesotherapy is to rejuvenate and tighten the skin so that it reflects restoration. Underlying issues can also be corrected through mesotherapy such as poor circulation or inflammation. This method of treatment can also be used to remove excess fat that is within the skin.

How does mesotherapy work?

During a mesotherapy session, numbing medication may be used so that the pricks aren’t too irritating. However, these sessions are said to be relatively painless. Very fine needles are used to inject the chosen substance into the mesodermal layer beneath the skin, but the depth may vary depending on the condition that mesotherapy is aiming to treat. Each needle will release a very small drop of the given substance.

Mesotherapy is likely done over multiple sessions so that the best results are produced. Multiple sessions of mesotherapy allow for the substances to work their way into the dermal layer, and over time, the substances will restore the skin.

Mesotherapy only works because of the substances that are being injected into the skin. Each person’s skin problems are different. With that being said, there isn’t one substance that will work for everyone’s skin. It’s important to consult with a cosmetic or skin care specialist so that they can evaluate what substance injection is best for you. Below are some of the most common substances that are used within mesotherapy.

  • Prescription medicines such as vasodilators or antibiotics
  • Vitamins and minerals that help restore the skin
  • Herbal extracts from plants
  • Enzymes such as collagenase and hyaluronidase
  • Hormones like thyroxin or calcitonin

All of these substances that are used for mesotherapy are regulated by health professionals and have been proven to be safe for the skin, which is often a concern for people considering this method of treatment.

Reach out to our office!

If you have questions about mesotherapy, then reach out to our office so that we can help you. This skincare treatment technique can be helpful for someone who is in need of rejuvenation or enhancement. If you are looking to improve your skin, mesotherapy may be an option. Give us a call or stop by our office today; we are here to assist you in any way that we can!

Are you considering mesotherapy in the Houston area? Get more mesotherapy information at .

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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Understanding Liposuction Revision (Procedure Insights)

Understanding Liposuction Revision (Procedure Insights)

For many seeking to enhance their body image, liposuction offers a promising solution, aiming for quick and significant changes. Yet, the path is not always smooth. Some find themselves facing unexpected results, irregularities, asymmetry, or changes over time due to improper garment wearing, weight fluctuations, or aging.

5 Things You Should Know About Juvederm Treatment

Juvéderm Houston, TX

Juvederm is a clear gel that belongs to a group of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. This filler is injected into the skin to repair the appearance of age-related issues such as wrinkles and facial folds. Cosmetic doctors often use it on the face to fill the lips and other areas. This article focuses on important facts you should know about Juvederm treatment.

What to know about Juvederm

It requires adequate preparation

Before your appointment, you should avoid taking any aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or Aleve, multivitamins, fish oil and vitamin E. These drugs and vitamins thin out the blood and may result in significant bruising after the treatment. It is advisable to avoid alcohol or caffeine at least 24 hours before and after the surgery to help alleviate swelling.

The treatment is quick, and the results are almost instant

The treatment requires only an hour, and most of that time is spent discussing with the cosmetic surgeon about your expectations of the treatment. Afterward, the doctor will mark out the points where the filler will be inserted. Regardless of where the filler is, the results are usually evident immediately, but anticipate some bruising.

Any swelling should go away within three days. If you notice any bumps on your lip, it means that the filler is near the surface. This often disappears, but it can be adjusted. If you get Juvederm fillers, you can massage your lips gently with lip balm after 48 hours, but you should ask your surgeon first.

The effects are reversible

Since Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid-based filler, the results can be reversed with hyaluronidase, an enzyme that accelerates the dissolution of hyaluronic acid quickly and safely. This is the advantage of choosing acid fillers over collagen. If errors occur, they can quickly be corrected.

You may experience tiny lumps and bumps

The week following the injection, you may have small lumps or bumps; this is completely normal. If they do not disappear within a week, the cosmetic doctor may apply heat or massage to even it out. It is better to book an appointment with the doctor in one or two weeks so they can remove any lumps. Try to avoid massaging the lip yourself.

Prepare for the side effects

Most of the side effects of Juvederm treatment are minor and temporary and should disappear in a week or less. Common side effects of the filler include firmness, bruising, discoloration, the risk of infection, pain/tenderness and redness. If the side effects persist for more than a few days, you should contact your doctor immediately to prevent permanent issues. As much as possible, stay away from strenuous exercise and direct sun rays for at least 24 hours after treatment.

Final note

If you suffer from any form of allergies, either currently or in the past, your doctor should know about them. Aside from this, you must inform your physician of any substances or drugs you are using to ensure a successful outcome with minimal side effects. Juvéderm treatment should only be performed by licensed and experienced health care providers to prevent complications.

Request an appointment here: or call Rodriguez Rejuvenation at (713) 523-2500 for an appointment in our Houston office.

Check out what others are saying about our Invisalign® services on Yelp: Juvéderm.

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Understanding Liposuction Revision (Procedure Insights)

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For many seeking to enhance their body image, liposuction offers a promising solution, aiming for quick and significant changes. Yet, the path is not always smooth. Some find themselves facing unexpected results, irregularities, asymmetry, or changes over time due to improper garment wearing, weight fluctuations, or aging.

4 Reasons to Consider a Breast Lift

Breast Lift Houston, TX

Are you wondering if getting a breast lift is the right choice for you? Also known as a mastopexy, this type of surgery is performed to change the shape of your breasts. The overall appearance of breasts tends to change when certain things happen or just simply due to aging. These changes, as well as aging, often cause the breast tissue to lose a good amount of elasticity and firmness. If you are currently not happy with the way your breasts look, then learning more about what a breast lift can do for you is a great idea.

According to the Mayo Clinic, during a breast lift, excess skin is removed and breast tissue is reshaped to raise the breasts.

4 reasons to consider a breast lift

The following is a list of four reasons for women to consider a breast lift.

#1 – To make the breasts fuller

Sagging breasts are a common result of weight loss, pregnancy and aging. Being overweight and being pregnant will enlarge the breasts. When excess weight is lost and a woman is no longer breastfeeding, it is common for the breasts to sag. When it comes to aging, sagging breasts are inevitable, although heredity factors play a large part in how long it will take a woman’s breast to sag as she ages.

#2 – To reposition the nipples

It is possible for the nipples to take on different positions and even point outward when a woman’s breasts change. Repositioning the nipples, so they can once again be in their proper place, is a common reason for considering a breast lift.

#3 – To feel more confident

Every woman wants to feel confident in the way they look and getting a breast lift can help a woman regain her confidence in her natural appearance.

#4 – To improve the overall appearance

Lifted breasts can make for a better overall appearance and is purely subjective for each individual woman.

The breast lift process

A breast lift literally lifts the breasts up so that they are no longer sagging, allowing them to look full once again. The breast lift process is a simple one. A medical professional will carefully remove any extra skin and then tie up the surrounding tissue in a way that reshapes and lifts the breasts, which is immediately noticeable after the surgical procedure has been performed.

Is a breast lift the right option for you?

Since you have been considering getting a breast lift and now understand some of the more common reasons why people choose to have their breasts lifted, does this body improvement procedure sound like it will work for you? There are many different reasons why a woman would choose to undergo this procedure. It is up to you to decide whether or not this procedure is the right choice for you. If you are still not sure what you would like to do, then making a consultation appointment so you can have all of your questions answered is the next step.

Are you considering a breast lift in the Houston area? Get more information at .

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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Mesotherapy is a technique of skin treatment that more and more people have become interested in because it isn’t traditional. However, over time, the technique has evolved. Being aware of what mesotherapy is and how it works can be helpful for someone who is considering their options for skin care therapy. In this article, we…

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5 Things You Should Know About Juvederm Treatment

Juvederm is a clear gel that belongs to a group of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. This filler is injected into the skin to repair the appearance of age-related issues such as wrinkles and facial folds. Cosmetic doctors often use it on the face to fill the lips and other areas. This article focuses on important…

4 Reasons To Consider A Breast Lift

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Understanding Liposuction Revision (Procedure Insights)

Understanding Liposuction Revision (Procedure Insights)

For many seeking to enhance their body image, liposuction offers a promising solution, aiming for quick and significant changes. Yet, the path is not always smooth. Some find themselves facing unexpected results, irregularities, asymmetry, or changes over time due to improper garment wearing, weight fluctuations, or aging.

Frequently Asked Questions About Botox Treatments

As a way to deal with unwanted wrinkles, it's possible that Botox has always seemed extreme or high maintenance to you, or maybe you have a friend who gets Botox and you have always been curious about the procedure. Now is the time to consider getting combative against those fine lines and wrinkles. Crow's feet, frown lines and forehead creases have been chronicling the march of time across our faces, and chances are, they are not that dear to you and you would like to get rid of them.

Botox: Getting familiar

Botox is a protein-based chemical mixture that prevents the muscle contractions in the face which cause wrinkles. Botox injections are administered through a thin needle to prevent wrinkles in a specific area of the face. It is a quick outpatient procedure that yields fast results. Whether Botox is right for you depends on the condition of your skin, your checkbook, and your willingness to try something new.

Does it help with wrinkles?

Yes, Botox treatments do smooth wrinkles by preventing the facial muscle contractions that cause wrinkles. A Botox injection will immediately create a smooth line where wrinkles in the skin used to be. It is an effective, clinical approach to wrinkle prevention. The chemical solution prevents muscles from contracting, preventing further wrinkling of the skin in that area. It also fills the gap under the surface between skin and muscle. This is how a Botox injection can have fast results and reduce the appearance of wrinkles after one session.

Does it hurt?

Botox uses a superfine needle and is often described as feeling like getting a shot at the doctor's office. Sometimes, the face can be a more sensitive area, causing the pain to increase more than a flu shot on the arm. It also depends on your individual pain tolerance. The good news is, just like a shot at the doctor's office, it only lasts for an instant and is well worth the results.

How much does it cost?

The typical cost ranges anywhere from $50 to $1,200, depending on how many units (injections) of Botox are received. Many clinics can offer a payment plan when a client signs up for regular treatments.

How often should I get it done?

Depending upon age and other skin factors, Botox usually lasts for three to six months. Though a change can be seen instantly, the maximum effect takes three to four weeks to appear. How often you get treatment can also depend on your age and the area of your face. For instance, the skin around the eyes is considered more delicate than the skin of the forehead and could, therefore, require more frequent sessions.

Botox: A new beginning

Botox provides a solution for an age-old problem: Wrinkles. By addressing the underlying cause of wrinkles (facial muscle contractions), it is both a preventative measure and an effective current solution. If you are tired of wrinkles and want consistently smooth skin, Botox may be worth a try.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Rodriguez Rejuvenation, request an appointment in our Houston office here: . Or call us at (713) 523-2500.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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Visiting a MedSpa for Skin Care

Having clear and smooth looking skin is something most people desire at one time in life. Most typically make an appointment with a spa and have some types of treatments done, typically a facial or type of restorative peel.

Although these procedures can get good results, having an appointment at a MedSpa to have skin care completed will last much, much longer. For people that are looking for more than just short-term effects, finding out the different procedures a MedSpa offers will be beneficial.

What does a MedSpa offer regarding skin care?

When it comes to wrinkles and smile lines, there are a few different options of procedures to have done to alleviate these pesky lines. Although each has their different pros and cons, the typical treatment that is suggested for people attempting to fix wrinkles is either a BOTOX or Juvederm treatment.

BOTOX and Juvederm treatments

Both of these treatments are for fixing lines and wrinkles. They are long lasting and typically only take one or a few treatments to complete. This will help improve the person look younger and feel more vibrant, along with improving their overall self-esteem.

Pulsed light rejuvenation

These lights are specially made for the treatment of skin. They are wonderful for treating age spots, along with wrinkles. People are continually impressed with their results.

Can MedSpa skin care treatment really help?

First, it should be noted that MedSpas always use the best skin care treatments that are focused on long-lasting results that have been clinically proved. Because of these results, there is typically an abundance of information regarding the different treatments. Along with before and after pictures to help you see what kind of results you should expect.

Second, because MedSpas know that life can be stressful for the people that seek our their services, they are always ready to help make all aspects from scheduling to the appointment as relaxed and no stress as possible. Making an environment that is stress-free and focused on getting patients the best results in the fastest time also boosts the trust our patients have in us.

First time at a MedSpa?

Whatever your skincare needs are, the staff are MedSpas have either had questions or handled the procedures. One of the best things a person new to visiting a MedSpa should do is be open and honest about their goals and aspects of the skin that they want to be better.

By having this open communication it makes it possible for the doctors and staff to understand what aspects a person wants to see the best results in. Having this factor speeds along the process and ensures the chosen treatments will meet the clients' needs.

Request an appointment here: or call Rodriguez Rejuvenation at (713) 523-2500 for an appointment in our Houston office.

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What Is Mesotherapy And How Does It Work?

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Skin Treatments From a MedSpa

If you have skin issues like acne or just want to smooth out a few wrinkles but do not want to go to a dermatologist, you can visit a medspa to treat the acne or any other skin problem you have, while enjoying the benefits of a relaxing atmosphere.

Medspas are a hybrid between a medical clinic and a day spa and have certified doctors on hand to handle your medical needs, which means you are in safe hands.

Skin treatments you can receive at a medspa

Acne treatments

Acne is a common skin disease usually associated with adolescence. However, some adults still struggle with acne, which is why most medspas offer acne treatments to their clients. Even though the main cause of acne remains a mystery, stress, bacteria, clogged pores, hormones, makeup and genetics are contributing factors that can lead to acne.

The treatment options for acne include facials, chemical peels and microneedling. In addition to the treatments, your medspa doctor will provide you with tips to help reduce acne breakouts.

Non-surgical facelifts

This non-invasive procedure is one of the most popular treatments requested at med spas. It is a procedure that tightens your skin and makes you look younger without having to undergo surgery. The procedure is typically done with shock wave therapy and ultherapy.

Shockwave therapy is used to minimize the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles on the forehead, while ultherapy uses ultrasound waves to lift sagging skin by reaching underneath the skin to stimulate collagen growth.


This procedure is used to permanently remove hair from the face and body. It is performed by applying electrical current to hair follicles individually using a needle-shaped electrode. Multiple sessions are usually required to achieve the best results.


This is another popular procedure used to remove dead skin. It is a non-invasive procedure that stimulates blood circulation and skin rejuvenation and enhances the production of collagen, improving your skin’s elasticity while helping remove acne marks, dark spots and wrinkles.

Epidermal leveling

This procedure is also known as dermaplaning. It is designed for removing dead skin cells and facial hair. Since it is an exfoliating procedure, it helps new skin cell growth and smoothens the skin, giving you a youthful appearance.

Dermaplaning is also used to reduce wrinkles, acne marks and other blemishes caused by aging. The treatment is performed using a disposable device that exfoliates the top layers of the skin by sanding it down as if you were shaving.

Facial treatments

Medspas also offer regular facial treatments like deep cleansing facials and chemical peels. A deep cleansing facial is a gentle exfoliation of dead skin cells, while a chemical peel involves using acids to exfoliate your skin.


There are other skin treatments offered by med spas, some of which are specific to certain medspas. If you are interested in getting a minimally invasive skin treatment, you should visit a medspa and find out why they have become so popular.

Are you considering medspa in the Houston area? Get more medspa information at .

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Mesotherapy is a technique of skin treatment that more and more people have become interested in because it isn’t traditional. However, over time, the technique has evolved. Being aware of what mesotherapy is and how it works can be helpful for someone who is considering their options for skin care therapy. In this article, we…

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7 Common Questions About Plastic Surgery

Wondering if you should get plastic surgery or not? Whether you are just starting to think about getting any surgical procedures done or have for the most part decided to go ahead and get the plastic surgical procedures you want, the more you understand about what is involved, the more prepared you are going to be. The fact that many of the plastic surgery options available today can be done on an outpatient basis has more and more people looking into their choices because it is now so convenient. But even so, it is essential for anyone who is considering to get one or more plastic surgery procedures done to understand what is involved completely.

7 common questions about plastic surgery

The following are seven common questions people have about plastic surgery.

Common question #1 – is plastic surgery safe? This question is the most common question asked, which is entirely understandable. As with any type of surgery, there are some risks and understanding these risks is necessary before a plastic surgeon will perform surgery. The best way to do this is by having a consultation and speaking directly with the surgeon on what your goals are so they can explain any risks. 

Common question #2 – is recovery difficult? Depending on the type of plastic surgery chosen as well as a patients pain tolerance will ultimately determine recovery time. Patients will receive any necessary pain medications from their surgeon. It is essential to follow and after-care instructions that are given. 

Common question #3 – is a hospital stay required? Most plastic surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis nowadays. However, having a consultation will let you know exactly what should be expected. 

Common question #4 – is the surgeon board certified? Yes, plastic surgeons need to be approved by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or the American Board of Medical Specialties.

Common question #5 – how does someone prepare for surgery? The surgeon will provide all of the information the patient needs when the surgery is scheduled.

Common question #6 – can anyone get plastic surgery? As long as they are in good health and already feel confident in who they have selected to be their surgeon they should be approved.

Common question #7 – is there an age limit? No, there is not an age limit in place for plastic surgery procedures.

Can we answer any more questions for you?

Have any plastic surgery questions we can answer for you? Our fantastic and supportive team are more than happy to answer any questions you have about any surgical processes you are interested in getting. We believe that it is vital for all of our patients to fully understand the entire surgical procedure for each type of surgery they want, as the more informed they are, the better their chances of having a successful outcome. Know that we are here for you if you need us, all you have to do is give us a call.

We are more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have! 

Looking for Plastic Surgery services near the 77027 area? Call Rodriguez Rejuvenation at (713) 523-2500.

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What Is Mesotherapy And How Does It Work?

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