IV Nutrition Therapy: 5 Reasons Why You Will Love It!

When life gets crazy or when chronic pain gets the best of you, hydration and proper nutrition can fall by the wayside. But it's at these times when you need to practice healthy habits the most.

How can you get a quick and effective boost of the essential vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and other vital elements your body requires? IV Nutrition Therapy!

It's not just a hangover cure - it is the support you need when you can't do it all yourself. And it delivers everything your body requires directly into your bloodstream in less than an hour.

1. No More Wasting Time or Money on Oral Supplements

Typically, oral supplements are absorbed by the stomach or intestines before they make it to the bloodstream. This takes time, and it doesn't always work, especially if your gut has problems absorbing nutrients.

With IV Nutrition Therapy, supplemental nutrients are delivered directly into the blood via a vein. So, your bloodstream absorbs them more thoroughly instead of your stomach partially digesting and diluting them!

They are also fast-acting, so if you feel a cold coming on or need an energy boost, it's there for you instantly!

2. IV Drips Are Customized

IV drips can be customized to address your specific needs. No more taking things you don't need or having to split pills in half to get the correct dosage. An IV nutrition bag has everything you need in the right dosage, all in one place!

3. IV Nutrition Therapy Is Super Convenient

One dose delivers all of your supplements. No more keeping track of multiple pills and liquids— or trying to remember if you took your vitamins today.

4. Instant Hydration

A liquid salt solution carries the nutrients in the IV bag. The salt solution instantly hydrates your body AND boosts your electrolyte levels!

5. IV Nutrition Can Slow Aging

Adding antioxidants like Glutathione to your IV drip helps fight off free radicals, which cause wrinkles and other signs of aging!

Our IV Nutrition Therapy

Not all Vitamin IV Therapy Companies are the same. Do not put your health at risk by using anyone other than a reputable IV nutrition therapy provider.

Our team at Rodriguez Rejuvenation is committed to helping you find relief and wellness. We have a full menu of IV Nutrition Therapy treatments to treat a variety of conditions, including to:

Manage pain relief: A customized cocktail of Vit C, CoQ10, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Magnesium, B-Vitamins, Ketamine, and Vitamin D.

Decrease inflammation associated with chronic pain and fatigue: An Oxi-Blast of Vit C, Glutathione, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid.

Boost energy, mood, and focus: Vitamin B Injections.

Turn back the clock on aging: CJC Mix.

Combat chronic conditions like asthma, depression, fatigue: Myers Cocktail.

Help your body fight back and stay well: Immune Boost.

Help you recover from cold or flu symptoms and get back to your life in no time: Cold & Flu.

Support weight-loss efforts: OxiBlast.

Support for chronic pain, migraines, depression, and PTSD: Ketamine.

Contact Us Today!

When you come in for an appointment, our experienced staff members will listen to your story.

We will then customize our IV therapy options to fit your needs and enhance the results of your overall treatment program. Contact us for an appointment today!

Resources: Image attribution | Everydayhealth.com | Healthline.com | Todaysdietitian.com

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What is IV therapy?

For this therapy, patients visit the clinic to get vitamins, fluids and medication put into their system, depending on what they are trying to treat. An IV is used to deliver what is needed to the patient efficiently. Patients then wait an hour or so for the fluids to enter the body. Patients will feel a pinch when the needle goes in, but getting an IV is fairly comfortable overall and the process of having fluids enter the body is relaxing. As the fluids enter the body a patient will also begin to feel better. This is because of the high concentration of vitamins and minerals that are sent directly through the bloodstream - the main source of why a person starts to feel better almost as soon as the procedure starts.

What does this help?

This type of therapy can help many ailments and conditions. Some of them include:

  • Jet lag
  • Flu
  • Hangovers
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cleansing the body
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  • Nutrition absorption disorders
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With many benefits that this therapy has been proven to show, it is a way to reduce negative symptoms and improve overall health.

Where is IV therapy offered?

This therapy is offered in our office. Instead of sending patients to a crowded emergency room, we provide this type of service directly to our clients. Our staff is highly trained and knows how to perform this treatment in a way that helps our patients to remain comfortable. Plus, our office is beautiful and peaceful, making it an ideal place to relax while receiving the treatment.

Visit our office for treatment

IV therapy is the best way to reduce unwanted symptoms quickly. It is a quick fix that is comfortable and allows the person to get back on their feet in no time. To experience these many benefits, call us right away.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Rodriguez Rejuvenation, request an appointment in our Houston office here: https://www.RodriguezRejuvenation.com. Or call us at (713) 523-2500.

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